Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pig Trotters In Vinegar

1.5 pig trotters
Black vinegar (1/2 bottle)
Brown sugar (according to preference)
Ginger (to be sliced)

(1) Wash/clean pig trotters
(2) Cut ginger into slices and fry until golden brown
(3) Roast pig trotters in oven until skin is crispy (about 45 mins). Check frequently for quality
(4) Transfer roasted pig trotters to pot and add fried ginger slices, brown sugar and black vingar
(5) Cook for approximately another 45 mins. Check frequently for quality
(6) Dish up and serve

Note: The brown sugar is to give the dish a 'neutralised' effect to prevent the trotter sauce from being too sour.

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