Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Roszy's Tiffin House

Hubby and I did not know what to eat. It happened that we bumped into this restaurant located in a quiet part of Novena. Indonesian food is diverse and in Singapore, there are many restaurants serving Indonesian food such as Sudanese and Javanese food from various parts of Indonesia. Some of the Indonesian food are less spicy while the others are hot with chillies, grated coconuts and spices (ask for waiter/waitress's recommendations if unsure).

This restaurant is famous for its festive dish, Nasi Ambeng (mixed platter with Spanish mackeral fish steaks, cucumber pickles, long bean and brinjal fried with dried prawns, beef/chicken/mutton dish, just to name a few) at $18 per head. The environment was cozy, air-conditioned and clean. The service staff were friendly. Their dishes were freshly cooked upon ordering (unlike some Indonesian food stalls / restaurants which sell pre-cooked nasi padang (Indonesian dish with steamed white rice and served with various meat and vegetable dishes). So you got to wait for the food to arrive.

We ordered begedil (deep fried potato patties), beef rendang, sambal kangkong (Ipomoea Aquatica), chicken curry, botok fish (mackeral fish slices cooked with shredded coconut flesh, squeezed of its coconut milk and then wrapped with banana leaves and steamed), sambal godok (long bean, fried beancurd and tempe or fermented soybeans), stir fry bean sprouts, sayur lodeh (coconut vegetable stew) and white rice. The food was delicious. However, we thought that the begedils served were really 'miniatures' for the price of $1.20 per piece (It was the first dish served and I was too hungry and forgot all about the photo haha........) and the white rice was not free flow (need to pay $1.50 to top up). So my poor big-eater hubby did not eat enough.....

Overall, we still find this restaurant worth a try despite the negative points. The 8 dishes and rice costed us only $48.60 for 2 persons. It is recommended for gathering (families and friends who enjoy spicy food).

Roszy's Tiffin House
51 Thomson Road
Goldhill Centre
Singapore 307638
Tel: 6255 4788

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